About Us

photo of mother
create a peaceful home

Are you dealing with any of the following behaviors:

Impulsive, irresponsible, denial, justifies negative behavior, anger, aggression, low degree of empathy, lacks self-discipline, exhibits poor coping skills, non-compliance for authority, substance abuse, lazy, lying, disrespectful.

If you are, we may have just what you’re looking for. A way to put peace back in your home.

Many families find themselves not having fun being a parent. It shouldn’t be that way. We teach a non-confrontational behavior modification program that focuses on changing family dynamics. Parents who change the way they interact with their children inspire their children to adjust to a new environment and style of interaction.

trusted by parents

"I Tried Everything..."

Several testimonials from parents that got their strong-willed child back, their family restored, and they moved on to a growing and loving relationship of mutual respect.

Curious about what people say about us & our services?

If you have questions then feel free to call or email us and we’ll get all of your questions answered.

We help you to a growing and loving relationship of mutual respect.