Welcome Parents!

The Parent Help Center and Jacksonville Sheriff's Office

Through a collective partnership with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, we’re pleased to offer parents a plan for changing destructive and unwanted behaviors in their child. We have helped thousands of families restore peace to their homes for over two decades, while teaching a tried and proven curriculum used throughout 40 states. We are The Parent Help Center and are here to help!

We believe there are four things required to change unwanted behavior…

  • A desire to change your parenting style
  • A plan for how to correct the behavior
  • Consistent and weekly support system
  • Commitment and dedication by parents

We provide a three step approach which includes our Empowered Parent Conference, Weekend Success Camp, and Weekly Support. With over two decades of experience, we’ve found that all three components together achieve the highest rate of success for families.

Your first step though is the Empowered Parent Conference where we teach you exactly how to change the unwanted behaviors. Step two is Weekend Success Camp where we show you how to apply what was taught at the conference. Step three is Weekly Support for six months. Why six months? The time frame of six months for implementing change is based on the understanding that change is a gradual process that requires consistent effort over time. It’s important to recognize that the behavior in question didn’t develop overnight and will not be resolved with a single action, such as attending a parenting class. Support is also where we work with you to ensure the plan is being implemented correctly at home, and where we answer your questions.

Help and Hope is on the way, and we have two options available for parents to get started.
  • Our in-person, instructor led Empowered Parent Conference – provided at a discounted rate through our partnership with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office. The cost is $95.00. Use promo code “JSO” with the link below to receive the discounted rate.
  • The Online Empowered Parent Conference – this course can be taken at your own pace and from anywhere you have Internet service. The cost is $550.00